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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - arch


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~1 n 1 a structure with a curved top and straight sides that supports the weight of a bridge or building 2 a curved structure above a door, window, or gate 3 a curved structure of bones in the middle of your foot 4 something with a curved top and straight sides ~2 v to form or make something form a curved shape  (Two rows of trees arched over the driveway. | She stretched her arms out and arched her back.) ~3 adj amused because you think you understand something better than other people  (an arch tone) - archly adv  ("I think someone here has a little secret," she said archly.)
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См. в других словарях

  (arches, arching, arched) 1. An arch is a structure that is curved at the top and is supported on either side by a pillar, post, or wall. N-COUNT 2. An arch is a curved line or movement. = arc N-COUNT 3. The arch of your foot is the curved section at the bottom in the middle. N-COUNT 4. If you arch a part of your body such as your back or if it arches, you bend it so that it forms a curve. Don’t arch your back, keep your spine straight. VERB: V n, also V 5. If you arch your eyebrows or if they arch, you move them upwards as a way of showing surprise or disapproval. (LITERARY) ‘Oh really?’ he said, arching an eyebrow. = raise VERB: V n, also V 6. see also arched ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Anglo-French, from Vulgar Latin *arca, from Latin arcus — more at arrow  Date: 14th century  1. a typically curved structural member spanning an opening and serving as a support (as for the wall or other weight above the opening)  2.  a. something resembling an ~ in form or function; especially either of two vaulted portions of the bony structure of the foot that impart elasticity to it  b. a curvature having the form of an ~  3. ~way  II. verb  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1. to cover or provide with an ~  2. to form into an ~  intransitive verb  1. to form an ~  2. to take an ~-shaped course  III. adjective  Etymology: 1~-  Date: 1547  1. principal, chief your ~ opponent  2.  a. mischievous, saucy  b. marked by a deliberate and often forced playfulness, irony, or impudence known for her ~ comments decided to answer them by being teacherly in a sort of ~, Olympian way — Gerald Early  • ~ness noun  IV. abbreviation  1. ~aic  2. ~ery  3. ~itect; ~itectural; ~itecture ARCH  abbreviation ~bishop ARCH  I. noun combining form  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Anglo-French & Late Latin & Latin; Anglo-French ~e, from Late Latin ~a, from Latin ~es, ~us, from Greek ~es, ~os, from archein ruler ; leader matriarch  II. adjective combining form  Etymology: probably from German, from Greek arche beginning having (such) a point or (so many) points of origin endarch ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a a curved structure as an opening or a support for a bridge, roof, floor, etc. b an arch used in building as an ornament. 2 any arch-shaped curve, e.g. as on the inner side of the foot, the eyebrows, etc. --v. 1 tr. provide with or form into an arch. 2 tr. span like an arch. 3 intr. form an arch. Etymology: ME f. OF arche ult. f. L arcus arc 2. adj. self-consciously or affectedly playful or teasing. Derivatives archly adv. archness n. Etymology: ARCH-, orig. in arch rogue etc. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) дуга 2) строит. арка; свод перекрывать аркой или сводом; придавать форму арки 3) арочное пролётное строение (моста) 4) свод (в сыпучем материале) 5) полигр. ложе (станка для обработки ротационных стереотипов) 6) изгиб; кривизна to anchor arch at abutments — соединять жестко арку с опорами; to decenter arch — раскружаливать арку; to fix arch to abutments — соединять жёстко арку с опорами; to strike arch — раскружаливать арку; to tie arch — стягивать (затягивать) арку; arch without articulation — бесшарнирная арка arch of vault — кривая свода - articulated yielding arch - basket-handle arch - blind arch - bonded arch - bowstring arch - braced arch - burner arch - catenary arch - chill arch - combustion arch - curved arch - deck arch - deck-through arch - double-hinged arch - drop arch - elliptical arch - equilateral arch - fish-plated arch - fixed arch - fixed skewback arch - flat arch - floor pressure arch - floor arch - four-centered arch - furnace arch - furnace roof arch - hanging arch - hingeless arch - horseshoe arch - inverted arch - lancet arch - no-hinged arch - ogee arch - one-centered arch - pointed horseshoe arch - pressure arch - relieving arch - removable arch - ribbed ring arch - rigid fixed skewback arch - round horseshoe arch - segmental arch - semicircular arch - shell arch - steel arch - stilted arch - three-centered arch - three-hinged arch - tied arch - towing arch - trussed arch - two-centered arch - two-hinged arch - wheel arch - yielding arch ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  арка; арочная перемычка перекрывать аркой или сводом, возводить арки или своды; выгибать, изгибать (дугой); придавать форму арки arch hinged at the abutments arch with a tie arch with intermediate tie accommodation arch acute arch annular arch Arabic arch back arch bell arch blind arch braced arch braced-rib arch bridge arch built-in arch cantilever arch circular arch continuous arch crescent rib arch crescent type arch depressed arch discharging arch drop arch Dutch arch edge arch elastic arch elliptical arch equilateral arch fixed arch fixed-end arch flat arch formwork arch four-centered arch French arch gauged arch glued laminated arch glulam arch hingeless arch horseshoe arch inflected arch inverted arch jack arch keel arch laminated arch lancet arch longitudinal arch lop-sided arch miter arch Moorish arch mosque arch multifoil arch obtuse angle arch ogee arch ogive arch one-centered arch one-hinged arch one-pin arch parabolic arch parallel curve rib arch plate arch pointed arch precast arch raised arch rampant arch rear arch relieving arch rib arch rigid arch rising arch Roman arch round arch round horseshoe arch safety arch Saracenic arch segmental arch semicircular arch sickle-shaped arch side arch single-hinged arch skew arch soldier arch spandrel filled arch steel arch steep arch straight arch three-hinged arch three-pointed arch through arch trefoil arch transverse arch trussed arch Tudor arch two-centered arch two-hinged arch vault arch Welsh arch ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) арка; свод 2) дуга дуговой 3) дужка весов 4) изгиб, кривизна 5) арочный пролет 6) перекрывать аркой - bridge arch - built-up arch - curved rib arch - elliptic arch - foot arch - multispan arch - single-hinged arch - single-span arch - solid-webbed arch - three-centered arch - tie arch - tuyere arch - twilight arch ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  дуга, свод – arch of cranium – arch of foot – arch of tongue – alveolar arch – aortic arch – axillary arch – azygous arch – branchial arch – Corti's arch – costal arch – femoral arch – gill arch – glossopalatine arch – hyoid arch – inguinal arch – intestinal arch – lingual arch – malar arch – mandibular arch – nasal arch – neural arch – palatine arch – palatomaxillary arch – palmar arch – parietohemal arch – pectoral arch – pelvic arch – postaural arch – pubic arch – subocular arch – subpubic arch – superciliary arch – tendinous arch – thyroid arch – visceral arch – zygomatic arch ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. арка; свод, аркада semicircular arches —- полукруглые арки triumphal arch —- триумфальная арка arch falsehood —- стр. кружала, опалубка свода the arches of a bridge —- своды моста 2. сводчатый проход, переход 3. дуга 4. что-либо по форме напоминающее арку или дугу arch of the foot —- анат. свод стопы arch of the ribs —- анат. реберная дуга arch of the aorta —- анат. дуга аорты 5. радуга 6. небосвод the starry arch —- звездное небо 7. спорт. траектория (полета снаряда) flat arch —- пологая траектория high arch —- крутая, навесная траектория 8. лука (седла) front arch —- передняя лука 9. спорт. прогиб 10. геол. антиклиналь 11. горн. целик 12. перекрывать сводом; возводить своды the river is arched over by a bridge —- через реку перекинут мост 13. выгибать, изгибать дугой to arch the eyebrows —- поднимать брови (дугой) the cat arched its back —- кошка выгнула спину 14. придавать форму арки 15. игривый, лукавый, с хитрецой arch look —- лукавый взгляд to look arch —- иметь игриво-лукавый вид (о женщинах и детях) 16. хитрый, ловкий 17. главный; самый важный the arch rebel —- предводитель повстанцев arch- 1. встречается в существительных и прилагательных со значением главный, старший, высший (преимущественно в званиях, 2. титулах) archbishop —- архиепископ archdeacon —- архидиакон archduke —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. noun  1) арка; свод  2) дуга; прогиб  3) радуга  4) attr. арочный; сводчатый arch bridge - арочный мост arch dam - арочная плотина  2. v.  1) перекрывать сводом; придавать форму арки  2) изгибать(ся) дугой II adj. игривый, лукавый ...
Англо-русский словарь
  st. & loc. abbr. Affordable And Responsive Community Housing st. & loc. abbr. Assistance To Residents Of County Homes educ. abbr. Architect ...
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